Learning is like food, ingest it and it will enrich the whole human being.


Formal or informal, knowledge and skills can be developed in six ways:

reading, asking, watching, feeling, talking, thinking.


Good time-management skills: organise study time, effective use of time

"if one cannot arrange that an income of twenty-four hours a day shall exactly cover all proper items of expenditure, one does muddle one’s life definitely." (Bennett, 1910)


Develop emotional literacy: register, recognise, respond.

Learning how the feelings can interfere with your thinking makes a huge difference in managing the impact of your emotions on achieving your goals.

We have to get used to feeling uncomfortable with a little discomfort and a little uncertainty alongside a great deal of positive expectancy. Turn anxiety into anticipation, fear into energy and worry into action.


Learning through reflection: thinking back, recurring themes in thoughts

Getting feedback from other people or using the empty-chair technique to explore ideas from another perspective.


Academic skills:

  • reading for a purpose
  • note-taking (information, thoughts, reflections, to be concise, using mind maps)
  • essay writing
  • selecting and using relevant parts of a course (problem solving)
  • thinking about ideas and theories
  • considering other perspectives
  • reflecting on your own learning.



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