Psychodynamic psychology emphasizes the systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience.

Consciousness is the awareness of the self in space and time and is defined as human awareness to both internal and external stimuli.

Most psychodynamic approaches use talk therapy to examine maladaptive functions that developed early in life and are, at least in part, unconscious.


Self is the archetype symbolizing the totality of the personality. It represents the striving for unity, wholeness, and integration.

Persona is the mask or image a person presents to the world. It is designed to make a particular impression on others, while concealing a person’s true nature.

Shadow is the side of a personality that a person does not consciously display in public. It may have positive or negative qualities.


Carl Jung (1875-1961) distinguished two general attitudes–introversion and extraversion–and four functions–thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting:

  1. Introvert: Inner-directed; needs privacy and space; chooses solitude to recover energy; often reflective.
  2. Extravert: Outer-directed; needs sociability; chooses people as a source of energy; often action-oriented.
  3. Thinking function: Logical; sees cause and effect relations; cool, distant, frank, and questioning.
  4. Feeling function: Creative, warm, intimate; has a sense of valuing positively or negatively. (Note that this is not the same as emotion.)
  5. Sensing function: Sensory; oriented toward the body and senses; detailed, concrete, and present.
  6. Intuitive: Sees many possibilities in situations; goes with hunches; impatient with earthy details; impractical; sometimes not present


Introduction to Psychology: introduction to major perspectives:

1. Sociocultural psychology

2. Biological psychology

3. Psychodynamic psychology

4. Behaviourist psychology

5. Humanist psychology

6. Cognitive psychology

7. Evolutionary psychology

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之前看过洼田正孝主演的《Radiation House》,此剧又看到帅帅的他,决定继续看下去!






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Learning is like food, ingest it and it will enrich the whole human being.

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《爱的迫降》《 사랑의 불시착 》














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"support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be."

(Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring)

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Medical ethics is a system of moral principles that apply values to the practice of clinical medicine and in scientific research.


Four principles of Medical Ethics:


1. Respect for autonomy ( "autos" - self and "nomos" - rule) , views the rights of an individual to self-determination.

The definition of autonomy is the ability of an individual to make a rational, uninfluenced decision.

Respect for autonomy, means the patient has the right to make informed decisions about their medical care, and have these decisions respected.

The patient has the right to refuse or choose their treatment.

Informed consent in ethics usually refers to the idea that a person must be fully informed about and understand the potential benefits and risks of their choice of treatment.


2. Beneficence refers to actions that promote the well being of others.

In the medical context, this means that the health profressional should act in the best interests of patients and their families.

Treatments must have an inherent benefit for the patient.


3. Non-maleficence: primum non nocere - first, do not harm.

The main or primary consideration is not to harm your patient.

The health professionals will not intentionally cause harm.


4. Justice means that all patients will be treated equally and fairly.

Justice concerns the distribution of scarce health resources, not just to the individual patient, but across the whole of society.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that looks specifically at maximizing utility for the benefit of the majority.


Ethical theories provide us with a framework to reason out our decisions. 

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